(Los Angeles) December 13, 2017– The board of directors of the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation announced today that 23 grants and one program related investment totaling more than $29 million were approved in the fourth quarter of 2017, bringing the total amount of grants awarded in 2017 to more than $121 million. This surpasses the dollar amount of grants awarded in 2016 by more than $10 million.
“We are pleased to end the year announcing more than $29 million in new grants to organizations doing incredible work locally, nationally and globally,” said Peter Laugharn, president and CEO of the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation. “As 2017 draws to a close, the Foundation is grateful to have the privilege of supporting partners working to improve the lives of disadvantaged and vulnerable people throughout the world.”
Following is an overview of all grants awarded in the fourth quarter of 2017:
Homelessness – Genesis LA Economic Growth Corporation was awarded $750,000 for a program related investment to support privately financed development of cost-effective, small-scale new affordable and permanent supportive housing. Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority will receive $600,000 to scale up efforts to end homelessness in Los Angeles by expanding its own operational capacity and enhancing the service delivery of its provider partners. Ocean Park Community Center was granted $810,000 to partner with West Los Angeles hospitals to provide permanent supportive housing to frequent utilizers of emergency and inpatient services who are experiencing chronic homelessness.
Foster Youth – Child Trends, Inc. will receive $1.5 million to serve as the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning partner for the Foster Youth Strategic Initiative. Children’s Village was awarded $1.5 million to support the Families Supporting Teens (FaST) program, including the continuation of direct support for families; training and support for foster parents to help students succeed in school; and an Advocacy Fellow to advocate for foster care issues. The Alliance for Children’s Rights was granted $1.2 million to support a network of critical services and advocacy for foster youth in Los Angeles with the goals of increasing graduation rates, college readiness, and employment. United Friends of the Children will receive $1.5 million to support the College Readiness Program in Los Angeles County. National Center for Youth Law was awarded $500,000 to support FosterEd California in ensuring students in the Antelope Valley graduate high school with a full range of college and career opportunities.
Hospitality – Delgado Community College will receive $1.19 million to support the guided hospitality career pathways program.
Young Children Affected by HIV and AIDS – Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation was granted $2.7 million to scale up early childhood services through the health system in the Tabora region of Tanzania. King Baudouin Foundation United States Inc. will receive $913,000 to enable the World Health Organization to develop a framework and tools for early childhood development as part of health systems. Mothers2Mothers International was awarded $1.2 million to integrate early childhood development within a peer support model for HIV-affected women in Malawi. University of California Los Angeles’ Center for World Health will receive $2.595 million to assess and document the integration of early childhood development services as part of HIV treatment services for women in Malawi through the UCLA Center for Health.
Safe Water – National Foundation for the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention was granted $1.7 million to support the replication of the water, sanitation and hygiene program in healthcare facilities program. International Development Enterprises will receive $500,000 to test the market for a new water filtration technology in Northern Ghana. Water.Org was awarded $2 million to advance the WaterCredit model in Uganda. Millenium Water Alliance was granted $1.5 million to lay the foundation for a long-term district based program for sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene services in Ethiopia.
Avoidable Blindness — Himalayan Cataract Project will receive $1.9 million to support continued work to improve access and quality of eye care and contribute to an integrated eye health care system in Ethiopia.
Catholic Sisters – Georgetown University was granted $990,000 to continue the development of a platform for cross-sector collaboration to build the capacity and advance the leadership profile of Catholic sisters and the impact of their ministries in Africa. Ministry Leadership Center was awarded $650,000 to develop an evaluation and measurement model for formation programs in conjunction with Cornell University and Ascension Health. Loyola University will receive $600,000 to provide sisters in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda with graduate-level instruction that will frame the Sustainable Development Goals in terms of Catholic social teaching, and will build capacity for communications and partnership around sustainable human development through the Loyola Institute for Ministry. Sisters of Charity Foundation of Cleveland was granted $750,000 to build intergenerational capacity and cultural competence among Catholic sisters in the United States through the Collaboration for Ministry Initiative.
Catholic Education – Seton Education Partners was awarded $1 million to increase the operational vitality of Catholic schools by accessing available public funding in private school choice states (through tax credit scholarships and vouchers) to convert Catholic schools to a blended learning model. Finally, Catholic Schools Collaborative will receive $630,000 to provide support for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math parental engagement programs and provide principals with the training they need to be more effective fiscal managers in a cluster of 15 of the Archdiocese’s most underserved schools.