Lisa Bohmer leads the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation’s Global Early Childhood Development initiative, working in concert with government, other funders and grantee partners to improve caregiver well-being and early childhood development outcomes in Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania and the United States. Bohmer has more than 30 years of experience with programs, research and grantmaking in the areas of early childhood, HIV and AIDS, maternal and child health, reproductive rights, and the empowerment of women and girls. Prior to joining the Foundation, Bohmer was director of program partnerships with the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation. Past positions also include HIV/AIDS director for UNICEF in Ethiopia, senior advisor to the president of the Nike Foundation, program director at the Pacific Institute for Women’s Health, and Ipas’ regional representative for East and Southern Africa. Her background also includes five years living and working in Ethiopia and consultancies with numerous organizations including UNFPA, the International Center for Research on Women, South Los Angeles Health Projects and the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services. Bohmer recently served as chair of the Coalition for Children Affected by AIDS, on the Executive Group for the Early Childhood Development Action Network (ECDAN) and on the board of directors for Funders Concerned About AIDS. Bohmer has a master’s degree in public health from UCLA.
Posts by Lisa Bohmer
Involved In
Global Early Childhood Development
Improving the growth and development outcomes for young children affected by HIV and AIDS in East and Southern Africa. Read more ›