In Year 1, the evaluation team assessed this goal via grantee interviews. Interview findings confirmed that grantees were experiencing some level
of success with this goal. In the spring of 2015, the evaluation team again examined changes in collaboration and cross systems alignment in FYSI grantees, but in a more quantitative way, through social network analysis (SNA). Social network analysis is used to analyze networks of relationships of any type (e.g., friendships, collaborations) and at any level (e.g., individual, organizational). It has two main purposes (or steps): (1) to create meaningful, data-based graphic representations of networks; and (2) to quantitatively describe and assess networks. As noted, the first step (SNA I) was undertaken in spring 2015; the findings are presented in the 2015 FYSI Evaluation Report. The second step (SNA II) was conducted in winter 2015, the findings of which are the focus of this