HFH goals are to improve patients’ health, reduce costs to the public health system and demonstrate the department’s commitment to addressing homelessness within Los Angeles County. With support from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, RAND conducted a formative evaluation of HFH to provide early feedback on program implementation and performed an outcome evaluation examining the effects of the PSH program on county service utilization and service costs. RAND also analyzed data from a survey on health functioning both at housing entry and a year later among a small convenience sample of HFH participants. Thousands of individuals who formerly experienced homelessness, many with complex chronic physical and mental health conditions, have been stably housed.
RAND released its report in December 2017 and the Los Angeles County data demonstrated a dramatic reduction in service use, especially for medical and mental health services. Overall, the cost reductions more than covered the year’s worth of supportive housing costs. For every $1 invested in the program, county government was spared $1.20 in healthcare and social service costs.
Media coverage highlighting the report:
Southern California Public Radio
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