Fountain House/Clubhouse International 2014

Dedicated to the recovery of men and women with mental illness by providing opportunities for members to live, work, and learn.

International reach

Today, Fountain House/Clubhouse International directly impacts more than 100,000 people through more than 340 clubhouses in 32 countries, including 171 in the U.S. When you include family members, the numbers grow into millions.

Mental illness is a global health catastrophe. In virtually every nation, support for mental disorders lags behind physical disabilities and all other major health and social issues. People with mental illness are stigmatized, ostracized, and often abused. The World Health Organization estimates that about 450 million people worldwide suffer from mental and behavioral disorders; rates are similar across all societies.

The work-ordered day

The Fountain House model is based on the belief that its members are partners in their own recovery, rather than passive recipients of treatment, and that meaningful work and a sense of community are integral to mental health. Its pioneering concept of the “work-ordered day” involves all clubhouse members in the running of their own organization.

Transitional employment

Its transitional employment initiative is supported by nearly 1,400 workplaces in the United States alone, where clubhouse members earn salaries and are trained to work side-by-side with mainstream workers, helping to erase the stigma that occurs when people living with mental illness are isolated from general society.


Studies have confirmed the effectiveness of the Fountain House/Clubhouse International model. Ten Clubhouse International Training Bases are located in the U.S., Canada, Europe, Asia, and Australia. This global community is changing the world of mental health.