We desire to transition this work as thoughtfully and respectfully as possible. To that end, our board of directors approved a three-year timeline to transition out of the Substance Use Prevention field, lasting through 2021.

Objectives of the Transition

Our time as a partner in the Substance Use Prevention field has brought many successes and substantial learnings. To transition appropriately, we are working with two key objectives in mind:

  1. Solidify learnings and contributions to the field: Our remaining time spent making grants in the area of Substance Use Prevention are focused on summarizing and disseminating important learnings and knowledge through a range of key resources.
  2. Identify other sources of philanthropic leadership and support: For us, leaving the Substance Use Prevention area with minimal disruption means taking an active role in encouraging the next generation of funding partners to support the field.

Please visit the Transitioning Program Areas page for more information.